Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Welcome Tuesday!  I say that with an exclamation point because I weighed in this morning at another 4lb loss. Yesterday was a great day, food was on point and I worked and exercised and felt great.  I am going to consider upping my Herbalife meals to two a day now that I have gotten my food addictions understood, not under control but I understand them and can deal with them most days now.  FYI this brings my total weight lost in 8 weeks to 40LBS!!!!!!!!!

I am proud of myself, I really am and so excited for the rest of this summer to see what I can accomplish by the end of August.  Tonight I do measurements to see what inches I have lost!

Monday, June 11, 2012

Well here I am week 8 and after this mornings weigh in I am down a total of 36 lbs.  I couldn't be prouder of myself and am so happy for all the people supporting me, my family and friends.  And especially to William Smith my partner in life who has guided me and seen me through some really bad times and really good times.  Most of all I am thankful to He who has made this possible.  Last week was a 4lb weight loss and this week I will do measurements to compare to the originals for inches lost.  Herbalife is really making this possible and finally something I can do.  Believe me I have tried everything else.  Plus an ounce willpower and desire to improve helps.  Thank you all for reading.

Friday, June 1, 2012

WOOHOO Two goals hit in one week!  Yesterday I hit a 30lb weight loss and today I weighed in at 299 so I am under 300 now and down 32 lbs all together, I am telling you this Herbalife is working.  Now its time to make my shake!

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Falling off the horse and catching that sucker to get back on again

Well, when I last wrote you I was doing so good with the weight loss and the amazing things that was going on for me.  Well then I had a bad week, bad moods, school was killing me, work was stressful and I was sleeping and I stopped with the shakes and tablets.  That was a couple weeks ago.  I am happy to report I am back on riding that horse galloping towards my ultimate fitness goal again.  We joined Fitness 19 in our neighborhood.  Its actually just a few blocks from our house so no excuses about why we can't make it because we can walk there in 10 minutes.

Well when I weighed myself this morning I had actually only gained 2.5lbs back after being off HerbaLife for two weeks.  Not bad when you consider I had lost 12lbs in the first week.  So I am still under my original weight  and I can start back up with confidence that this program really does work.

So who is going to join me?  Lets do this together!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Day 4 of HerbaLife

So I weighed myself this morning and I am at 307.6 and 49% BF according to the digital scale at home.  This is almost down a whole pound from yesterday.  And that is with the snacking and cheating.  I didn't exercise yesterday either and slept a lot because I was tired.  Once we join Fitness19 and I am within walking distance this will change.  This Herbalife program coupled with exercise will present a whole new me and I am excited for it.

I feel like I woke a different person on Monday August 22, 2011 when I decided to do this.  I am almost 36 and I don't want to end up like the rest of my family with heart problems, joint problems and too overweight too do anything.  I cannot wait til something tragic happens to wake me up, I need to wake up now!  And not being able to go do things that require a little physical strain with Will and Jared really embarrass me.  It shouldn't be a fear to go to the park because I can't keep up when walking with them.  And when Will runs these 5k's I should be able to walk them.  I know my knees are already shot so I can't run them but when the weight is gone and I have gotten into shape again I want to be able to walk them to support him and train with him.

Well shake and supplement time talk to you all tomorrow.